



The Road To Wisdom...

"Personally, I am always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught."
- Winston Churchill
These last two months have truly been a learning experience for me. Thanks to people I have met through my job, friends, family, and a few others along the way, I am able to look back and make some positive changes in myself. That is a great feeling. A lot of times we fight change. It is such an uncomfortable feeling. But I can't deny that I've got a lot to learn about life and myself and so I gladly welcome the chance to listen to words of wisdom, and also use words that are not so kind to learn as well. These are some of the lessons that the hearts of others have taught me recently:
That I feel incredibly blessed to have the family that I do.

That there is an unexplainable relief and comfort of a true friendship where you never have to weigh your thoughts or measure your words. You can just pour them all out, as they come from your heart, and be certain that a faithful friend will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and throw the rest away.

That if you really want people to know what is important to you, how you spend your time says it all.

That no one is an expert on you, except you.

That a high five from a child, or a sweet note from a volunteer can make my day.

That it's hard to determine where to draw the line between not hurting people's feelings and standing up for what you believe to be right.

That trust is something you must have for the people who are close to you in life.

That Adam is the perfect balance to everything I am, and that we make a great team.

That I might not be who I ought to be or hope to be yet, but thanks be to God that I am not who I was.

That I most often make progress


That hugging a 6 yr old with cancer can give you a completely new perspective on life.

That there is a huge difference in wanting to help someone be a better person because you care about them, and trying to just find fault in them or what they write because it makes you feel better about yourself.

That sometimes silence is the best answer.

That a beautiful life does not just happen, it is built daily by prayer, humility, sacrifice and love.

That things sure look differently when you are finally on the outside looking in.

That a goodnight kiss from my husband can heal a bad day.

That it is better to be honest about your feelings than to put on a smile and be a liar.

That not everyone is going to have the same opinion as you when it comes to
You have to learn to accept that and not take it personally.

That just because it is not the popular decision, doesn't mean that it is not the right one.

That some people are just going to hate that you have a great life. That is their issue. Not yours.

That you CAN make a living doing what you love.

That you should always acknowledge your shortcomings and work hard to improve them.

That the things you take for granted are usually the most valuable.
That it is much easier for a man to preach 100 sermons, than it is for him to LIVE ONE.
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