




I have this daily encouragement tablet sitting on my desk at work. Most of the time, I forget to flip it, but today, as I glanced up and realized that it was still on April 19th, I decided that maybe it was time to fast forward to today and see what kind of message was waiting for me. It said:

My God is changeless in His love for me.
-Psalm 59:10Ahh. Couldn't have asked for a more perfect message. Especially on a day like this. As I thought about our baby growing this morning, about what an amazing husband I have, and when I received a couple of sweet text messages from my family and friends, it made me feel incredibly blessed.

Here is what is going on with Baby Bluhm - WEEK 12:

The most dramatic development this week: reflexes. Our baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close, his/her toes will curl, their eye muscles will clench, and their mouth will make sucking movements. In fact, if I prod my abdomen, our baby will squirm in response, although I won't be able to feel it. Their intestines, which have grown so fast that they protrude into the umbilical cord, will start to move into his/her abdominal cavity about now, and their kidneys will begin excreting urine into the bladder. {babycenter.com}
Pretty cool huh? Our baby is the size of a Plum this week! On June 7th we get to hear the heartbeat and that week I will officially be in my 2nd trimester. I'm still feeling great, no sickness, but I DO look forward to that burst of energy you are said to get in the second trimester. Adam has been so great. He helps around the house when I come home from work and I'm pooped! In fact, I can't even count on one hand anymore the number of times I have fallen asleep on the couch around 8:30 or 9pm. I guess God made our bodies to prepare for all of that sleep we will be missing out on! God prepared our bodies for a lot. It is amazing to me to know that a sweet little person is growing inside of me. BEYOND AMAZING. To think that I will start off rocking that precious little baby to sleep in my arms, and one day be able to have a conversation with them about spiritual things and connect on an emotional and deep level. I want to enjoy every minute of it. When I think of those friends I have that are not able to have children, I know that I can't take this gift for granted. Not for a second. What makes me someone that gets to experience this when they don't? In fact, knowing their hearts, I know that they deserve it far more than I do. So I can't take it for granted. I WON'T. I write in a little journal type book to the baby so they can one day read what I experienced as they were carefully and wonderfully being formed in my womb. I want to enjoy how emotional it makes me, all of the heartburn, all of the trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night, HA!, and yes, I will even embrace the fact that I'm not just gaining the weight in my belly! When I look at the sonogram picture right here beside my computer of that perfect and beautiful little baby, I know that all of this is so worth it.

Speaking of being emotional ... (A LOT)... I used to hear this song below and sure, I liked it. But now, when I hear it, I have even more reasons to love the chorus. I think back to a couple of years ago when the doctors told us that Adam had cancer and that we wouldn't be able to try to have a child for at least a year while the radiation got out of his system. And if it returned after treatment and surgery, which they thought there was a good chance of, that we might even have to wait two or three years. And now here we are, and he is so incredibly healthy, and I can watch him lean over and give our baby in my belly a kiss goodnight with the biggest smile on his face. I can't listen to this song, especially the chorus, without crying a little and thanking God for...
His changeless love for me.

"I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you,
And I know ... that I am, ... I am ....


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