



Little Man or Little Miss?

Today we found out the gender of our little sweet pea! It's always so fun and exciting to get a little glimpse into the future and see what God intended on you being the mother of (so far). We aren't ready to make the big announcement quite yet, but above is a fun wives' tales quiz that is suppose to give the mother to be an idea of what she is having! :) These never work for me, they are always usually neck and neck which this time it seems to be as well. 

Stay tuned for the reveal post soon!

How far along:  16 weeks
Gender:  We know ... but Shhh! It's a secret. 
Weight Gain: 11 lbs. So BlueBell came out with a Southern Blackberry Cobbler ice cream. What do you want from me??
Any surprises? Melasma. Not my favorite pregnancy "side effect" in the world, but I guess it could be worse! I've got these brown spots coming up on my cheeks and forehead known as Melasma. Apparently, they are due to the rush of hormones when you are pregnant and will fade soon after having the baby. 
Stretch marks:  Not yet .. but the baby is supposed to double in size in the next 4 weeks so ...
Sleep:  Pretty good. I'd say it's about time to get a body pillow though. 
Project Nursery: Starting to get my ideas together!! I will let you see them soon after the reveal. So excited!!  
Funny moment of the week:  My son does this new dance where he bends over a little to the side and spanks himself. I didn't teach it to him ..... daddy?
Cravings:  Zestie French Fries for breakfast. :)

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